Asterix I Obelix Misja Kleopatra Dubbing Pl Baby


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Contents.Translations re-edited the film for an North American audience, cutting approximately 21 minutes and dubbing the movie into English using an American cast. The English script added many new jokes for the American audience, including more references to modern popular culture (Edifis continually calls Getafix a ', for example. This pun was already hinted at in the French version; the actor playing Edifis used his distinctive North-African accent to create a subtle confusion between 'droid' and 'druid'), and some changes in characterisation, most notably Obelix who appears far more intelligent than usual. The dubbed dialogue uses some of the original English names, but the rest are either reused from the American English translation of the original album, or newly invented names. This is most notable among minor characters; the pirate crew, for example, are referred to by the names of famous rock and roll musicians (including, and ) just before a cry of 'let's rock and roll!' The English language subtitles for other markets are a straight translation of the French dialogue, with only the names changed to match the original English translation of the album.

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Asterix Es Obelix Kleopatra

The version released on DVD in the Australia by contains two discs, one the original French version (with multiple language subtitles) and the other the Miramax edit.Plot Infuriated by belittlements, Queen makes a deal with: if the Egyptians build a palace at Alexandria, in three months, which is larger than Caesar's palace in Rome he must acknowledge that Egypt was the greatest of nations. To perform this task, Cleopatra hires the architect Numerobis, on pain of death and much to the dismay of Pyradonis, Cleopatra's customary architect. He and his secretary Papyris discuss the Getafix (Panoramix in the original French), whose empowers its drinkers; and Numerobis goes in search of him.Numerobis arrives in Gaul and convinces Getafix to embark with him to.

Once they arrive, they use the druid's magic potion to speed up the construction (with Cleopatra's permission), and Pyradonis realizes he must stop Numerobis from finishing the palace within the deadline by (such as getting Asterix, Obelix and Getafix lost in a pyramid, or framing them for Cleopatra's failed assassination). After failing multiple times, Pyradonis finally decides to inform Caesar about the potion's use and the potential victory of Cleopatra. Caesar knows the (having failed to capture their village multiple times) and decides to the construction site until Asterix, Obelix and Getafix surrender. Numerobis, Papyris and the three Gallics defend the site and decide to inform Cleopatra of Caesar's actions. Meanwhile, Pyradonis and Numerobis, both after drinking the potion, fight in the site until Numerobis finally wins the duel. Cleopatra arrives on the battlefield and reprimands Caesar's lack of. The Romans are forced to stop the siege and assist in the continuation of the construction, which is finished on time.

The palace is inaugurated and Caesar counterwillingly names Egypt the greatest Empire there ever was. Numerobis wins a large amount of gold, Getafix receives manuscripts from the, and all the protagonists partake in a (including some of the movie's Roman antagonists).Cast.