Authentic Success Robert Holden Pdf File


Louise Hay, best-selling author, founder of Hay House and pioneer in self-help movement, has helped millions create more of what they want in their lives, including mind, body and spirit wellness. She used mirror work and affirmations in her own life to experience great success and joy, and now you can do the same! In the Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem With Mirror Work Online Video Course, Louise joins forces with esteemed spiritual and health leaders to help you fall in love with the most important person in the worldYOU. Each day for 21 days, you'll learn how to:.

Live the life that reflects the truth of who you really are. Achieve self-knowledge and self-acceptance. Recognize your heart’s desire. Gain confidence to listen to and follow your inner guidance. Cultivate your soul gifts – all of those talents you’ve come to share with the world. Realize that self-love makes it so much easier for others to love you. Have less drama and fewer conflicts.

Heal our personal suffering and the suffering of others through self-love. Louise HayLouise Hay was an inspirational teacher who educated millions since the 1984 publication of her bestseller You Can Heal Your Life, which has more than 50 million copies in print worldwide. Renowned for demonstrating the power of affirmations to bring about positive change, Louise was the author of more than 30 books for adults and children, including the bestsellers The Power Is Within You and Heal Your Body.

In addition to her books, Louise produced numerous audio and video programs, card decks, online courses, and other resources for leading a healthy, joyous, and fulfilling life.Website:Also Featured On:Facebook page. Robert Holden, Ph.D.Robert Holden’s innovative work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens! And in two major BBC-TV documentaries on happiness. He is a New York Times best-selling author of 10 books including: Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens!, Authentic Success, Be Happy, Loveability and Life Loves You (co-written with Louise Hay).

Robert’s latest project is editor of Trust Life: Love Yourself Every Day with Wisdom from Louise Hay (published Oct 2018).Robert has given over 50 keynote talks for I CAN DO IT! Events worldwide.

He is a coach and mentor to entrepreneurs and companies like Dove & the Real Beautiful Campaign, Virgin, The Body Shop and Google. Robert is a trustee of the Miracle Network UK – supporting A Course in Miracles. He is on the Guest Faculty of the University of Santa Monica. He is an official contributor to’s weekly radio show, Shift Happens!, is one of Hay House Radio’s most popular shows – now in its tenth year! Listen in each Thursday at 6pm-7pm! Robert posts daily on his FB page.

Not only did I like the quote but it also caught my because the word “” was used in it. I quickly Googled the term ‘destination addiction’ and was surprised to find a number of articles on the topic (but unfortunately nothing published in an academic journal). The term ‘destination addiction’ was coined by British psychologist in his 2011 book Authentic Success: Essential Lessons and Practices from the World's Leading Program on Success (an updated version of his 2009 book Success Intelligence). In a blog post extracted from his book, Dr.

Holden wrote. “Do you live your life only to get to the end of it? Most people answer this question with a ‘no’, but not everyone lives like they mean it. In the society that most of us experience, people exhibit a frantic, behavior I call ‘Destination Addiction’. This addiction is a major block to success. People who suffer from Destination Addiction believe that success is a destination. They are addicted to the idea that the future is where success is, happiness is, and heaven is.

Authentic Success Robert Holden Pdf File

Each passing moment is merely a ticket to get to the future. They live in the ‘not now’, they are psychologically absent, and they disregard everything they have. Destination Addiction is a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is somewhere else. We suffer, literally, from the pursuit of happiness. We are always on the run, on the move, and on the go. Our goal is not to enjoy the day, it is to get through the day. We have always to get to somewhere else first before we can relax and before we can savor the moment.


But we never get there. There is no point of arrival. We are permanently dissatisfied. The feeling of success is continually deferred.

We live in hot pursuit of some extraordinary bliss we have no idea how to find”. “The life we dream of is in the future somewhere, and we hope to catch up with it any day now. Destination Addiction causes us to rush through as many experiences as quickly as possible. We like to be able to say ‘Been there, done that!’ Surely, life is not all about endings. If it were, we would read only abridged novels; we would attend only the final act of a play at the theater; the last note of a symphony would be best of all; the best restaurants would serve only petits fours; and would have no foreplay. Destination Addiction is an attempt to get on with life faster in the hope that we will enjoy our lives better. And yet our constant speeding means we frequently run past golden opportunities for grace and bettermentWe seek, but we do not findOur Destination Addiction often works against us, however, because we are too busy running to be receptive.

Hence, we always feel emptyThe other meaning is “the purpose,” i.e., your vision, your values, etc. The trouble with Destination Addiction is that it focuses purely on finishes and not on purpose. To live intelligently is to live with purpose, to make the means the end, and also the end the means. The end is in every moment.”.

Authentic Success Robert Holden Pdf File Download

“For those prone to addictive thought patterns and behaviors, destination addiction is the perfect setup for failure. Trading short-term gratification for the eventual fallout is a component of destination addiction. Getting lost in destination addiction can be as easy as plugging your into Dr. Robert Holden’s description that ‘happiness is the next hit, the next high, the next acquisition, the next drink, the next, the next hot-fudge sundae, the next 10-pound weight loss’. Is your mind overactive with ‘the grass is greener’ thinking? Do you sigh in frustration that you aren’t living the life you imagined?”. Holden claimed on in 2008 that destination addiction affects “millions” of individuals and in another blog on destination addiction, entitled ‘Are you the tortoise or the hare?’, Holden claimed:“Destination addicts are hypercritical and are forever ‘should-ing’ on themselves – ‘I should be further in my by now’, ‘I should have gotten married by now’, or ‘I should have achieved more by now’.

Destination Addiction causes us to be permanently impatient with ourselves. The schedule we set for ourselves is so demanding that we end up driving ourselves harder and faster.

We refuse to ourselves if we cannot keep upWe have no time for ourselves, and we are permanently impatient with everyone elseWe are permanently impatient because we are addicted to the pursuit of progress. What is progress? According to Destination Addiction, to progress is to move along a timeline from ‘here’ to ‘there’ as quickly as possible. But to what end? Impatience impedes real progress if the focus is only on getting to the future faster. Real progress is a real-time goal that is about the here and now – living well today, being more present, this moment, and enjoying the time of your life”. “Destination addiction is this never-ending pursuit of happiness that drives us to spend more and more money on things. But things do not bring joy. Things bring worry. Things bring temporary happiness that masks some deeper pain. For instance, those who consider themselves ‘emotional spenders’ don’t really have a spending problem.

They are using shopping as a way of putting on an emotional Band-Aid to make some other kind of pain go away, much in the same way someone who overeats does so to combat,. It usually isn’t about the enjoyment of overindulging in foods, or purses.”. The article then goes on to describe so-called “destination dealers” that have helped the addiction “spread quickly” (i.e., those on television trying to sell you products that can help you “totally change your life” or “make you happier than you ever dreamed possible.” More specifically:“Cars are often depicted as the path to a happier life in commercials, as if the built-in navigation system, iPod docking station, and push-button ignition will really make you happier than the $600 monthly payments. But, we get hooked at an early age and chase these various ‘destinations’ our entire lives. A bigger home, a newer car, fancier clothing, more exquisite jewelry–nothing is ever simply enough. Fortunately, there is an excellent home remedy for destination addiction, but it is often hard to find. When we declare ourselves content with what we have and who we are we can beat the addiction of waiting to be happy. We can live quite happily in the now.

Through contentment we can be happy with this house, and this car, and these clothes, and beat the cravings for more”happiness comes from within; it is not something that can be pursued”. Another recent online article on destination addiction by Toya Sharee claimed that “social media and an era of excess make a major contribution to this epidemic of destination addiction.” She also said (in line with some of the other comments mentioned above) that:“None of us are immune to destination addiction and we all have times where we have to convince ourselves that better times are ahead just to make it through the day. But the key to defeating destination addiction is to find happiness with the life you have and to achieve the goals that are important to YOU, not the ones you think will impress everyone else.' When ordinary people talk about addiction, it usually refers to compulsive substance use or behavior that resulting in negative consequences (and the accompanying inability to stop). I see the parallel to destination addiction. However, just like many people can regulate and control substance use and behaviors that bring temporary pleasure, thinking about the destination (or setting goals) is perfectly normal. What struck me as I read this (and I was mostly nodding affirmatively) is that I spent my adult life as a 'destination addict' by never believing I was worthy and always trying to please.

Authentic Success Robert Holden Pdf File Free

This resulted in few vacations that I enjoyed and a marriage that has been empty for years. The other thought that occurred to me, though, was that for some 'happiness' is, at best, the lack of pain or anxiety. I have little desire for material things; to the contrary, I have jettisoned many possessions and interests that require money to live more frugally. But the culmination of my habits over the years has me in the position of being a caretaker.

Authentic Success Robert Holden Pdf File Online

The rightful obligations or parenthood must take priority. Preoccupation with happiness is a luxury that we can't afford even when it is free. Very well said: 'Happiness is a choice we make, every day, no matter where we are. It comes from recognizing that circumstances don’t bring happiness, things don’t bring happiness, achievements don’t bring happiness. Happiness comes from inside us'.The easiest way to be happy is to live in present by letting go of all prejudices, fears, worries, expectations, insistences, and opinions. This is because no two situations or people are the same, and that they keep on changing with time. If a person is angry today, it does not mean the anger will show up with the same intensity even tomorrow for the same situation.Here are resources to live in present scientifically: