Cebora K810 Mig Manual Transfer

Cebora 305c mig welder
  1. Cebora K810 Mig Manual Transfer Instructions

Cebora K810 Mig Manual Transfer Instructions

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From page 38 of the Cebora service manual, found online at:3.4.12 - 55 - Electrode finished.This function is controlled only during cutting (transfer arc).This alarm indicates that the electrode is not in condition to ensure correct operation of thePower Source, and thus it may be difficult to achieve good quality cutting. To solve thisproblem, we recommend performing the following checks.NOZZLE VOLTAGE PRESENCE TEST.Torch board (42), terminal J6(+) and connector J8, terminal 1(-), voltage = from +150 to +190Vdc (with pilot arc lit), for a duration of 1 second (maximum pilot arc time), after pressingthe start command.♦ Check the wiring between J13 torch board (42) and J14 control board (38).♦ With Power Source off, temporarily disconnect J14 from control board (38) andcheck the resistance on terminals 4 and 5 of J14 on pilot arc board (38). Correctvalue = junctions of two diodes in one direction and 4.7 Kohm with theinstrument probes reversed. If incorrect, replace control board (38).♦ Replace the control (38) and/or torch (42) boards.♦ Check the wiring between connector J6 and J8 of torch board (42), resistor (17), terminal(53)(-) of the Power Source.♦ Make sure output voltage is being generated, performing if necessary the tests in par.

Cebora K810 Mig Manual TransferCebora K810 Mig Manual Transfer

3.3.6.♦ With Power Source off, temporarily disconnect J6 and J8 from torch board (42) and check theresistance on terminals J6 and 1 of J8 on torch board (42). Correct value = approximately 40Kohm. If different, replace the torch board (42).♦ Check the torch board (42) supply voltage, performing if necessary the TORCH BOARD (42)POWER SUPPLY TEST in par. 3.4.6.♦ Check electrode and torch nozzle; replace if worn or damaged.♦ Make sure the internal parts of the torch are properly insulated, including cables; if in doubt,replace the entire torch.♦ Replace the torch (42) and/or control (38) boards.