Community Custody Program


Info taken from BOP Policy:PS 5100.07 SECURITY DESIGNATION AND CUSTODY CLASSIFICATION MANUALCOMMUNITY CUSTODY. The lowest custody level assigned to an inmate which affords the lowest level of security and staff supervision. An inmate who has Community custody may be eligible for the least secure housing, including any which is outside the institution's perimeter, may work on outside details with minimal supervision, and may participate in community-based program activities if other eligibility requirements are satisfied.-Custody classification is a procedure whereby inmates are assigned levels according to their criminal histories and institutional behavior/adjustment.

  1. Community Custody Program Washington State
  2. What Is Community Custody
  3. Community Custody Program Albuquerque

Community Custody Program Washington State


An inmate’s custody level is an indication of how much staff supervision is required for an inmate within and beyond the confines of the institution.An inmate’s initial custody classification shall be scored at the first program review following initial classification (approximately 7 months after arrival at an institution). Subsequent reviews shall occur at least every 12 months, but may be conducted earlier in order to enable progress toward community activities. Custody classification shall ordinarily occur in conjunction with every second program review.Ordinarily, an inmate's security level and custody level shall be reviewed following any new sentence or sentence reduction, or any time a change in external factors or disciplinary action might affect the security or custody level.When transferring to another institution, inmates normally retain their custody assignments. If the custody level is inconsistent with that authorized at the receiving institution, the sending institution shall change the inmate's custody prior to transfer.

Community Custody Program

Holdovers shall retain their custody level assignments until received at the designated institution.At each annual custody review, a new Custody Classification Form shall be completed, even though the scoring elements may not have changed from the previous form. Only the most current Custody Classification Form shall be retained in the Inmate Central File, except for those forms that must be retained to document appropriate review and approval for custody reductions (e.g., custody reductions for exception cases require the Warden, or designee, to sign the Custody Classification Form. The form should be maintained to document the review and approval). As set forth in the definition of maximum custody, Chapter 2, a BP-338 form changing custody to or from maximum custody must be permanently maintained.It should be clearly understood that the Custody Classification Form only recommends an inmate's custody. The unit team and/or Warden is the final review authority.

The intent of the Custody Classification system is to permit staff to use professional judgment within specific guidelines. Custody changes are not dictated by the point total. However, when the unit team decides not to follow the recommendation of the point total, they mustdocument the reason(s) for this decision in writing on the custody review form, and inform the inmate. My son was sentenced to 36 mos, that is with the time off for good behaviour. He is trying to get sent to the Sheridan Farm camp in Oregon. He was charged with a gun crime.

What Is Community Custody

At his last review, they told him that altho he wasn't a voilent offender he was charge with a voilent crime and that it was up to the community custody people to decide if he would be eligible for home confinement when he was at his 6 mos left ot serve mark. That the county that he would be released to might not allow him back or he might have to register as a voilent offender.

How do I find out if my county does this? He has always been at zero points, turned himself in, never been in trouble before, was on pre-release for 2 yrs before going to jail.

Community Custody Program or CCP is an alternative to incarceration whereby the offender is returned to his or her home, job and neighborhood with intensive supervision. The program provides community based supervision and treatment reporting for court authorized offenders who meet eligibility criteria. Offenders are placed back into the community and are monitored on a daily basis by Community Custody Officers. The program allows an offender to work and perform community service while being restricted to behavioral parameters and curfew times. Those who violate the program are returned to secure custody and are required to work in various areas of the Jail and/or Community.Example of a State Stature ( Washington) defining the term Community CustodyRev.


Community Custody Program Albuquerque

(ARCW) § 9.94A.030 defines Community Custody as that portion of an offender's sentence of confinement in lieu of earned release time or imposed as part of a sentence and served in the community subject to controls placed on the offender's movement and activities by the department.