Download Free Sonny Stitt Discography Rar Software For Windows


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Download Free Sonny Stitt Discography Rar Software For Windows 10

All the tunes here non stop. Later in life he had a great quartet with Victor Lewis on drums. I forget the rest of the band but they would play often around SF when Stan was teaching at Stanford. At Keystone Korner you could just hang out outside where the music sounded just fine or on Wednesdays it was practically free. I snuck a recorder in one noght while he AND HIS BAND WERE PREDICTABLY AMAZING. GOT 2 HOURS OF AWESOME THAT i HAVE SADLY LOST. Hey, what happened there?

Also, look for his records with nNight at the Philharmonic. One with JJ Johnson is vintage 50's Stan. Probably on Youtube. I gorget the records name but he recorded a very cool album with strings. Very different, original comps and scores.

I'll have to look for that one.

. Barcode (Text): 5 025.


Barcode (Scanned as 13-digit GTIN): 225. Rights Society (Logo): mcps. Matrix / Runout: RGJCD284 CD1 Matrix / Runout: RGJCD284 CD2 Matrix / Runout: RGJCD284 CD3 Matrix / Runout: RGJCD284 CD4

Mastering SID Code (CD1): IFPI LP76. Mastering SID Code (CD2, CD3, CD4): IFPI LT23. Mould SID Code (CD1): IFPI 5H42. Mould SID Code (CD2): IFPI AAHP1. Mould SID Code (CD3): IFPI AAHY2. Mould SID Code (CD4): IFPI 7323.