Ellen Von Unwerth Revenge Pdf Creator


Posted: May 20, 2016 Author: Filed under: Tags:, Sometimes a submissive would like to feel a bit more glamorous for her Sir.Perhaps this collar can help in that endeavor:Simply magnificent! Hundreds of large Swarovski crystals create this outstanding collar.The collection is exclusively made with CRYSTALLIZED™ – Swarovski Elements. Handcrafted from premium quality English bridle leather and backed with a soft Italian hide to provide the ultimate in comfort and luxury. A matching lead is available. (from Diamond Dogs®)What to wear with it?An excellent wax job, cat eyes and thigh-high boots. Posted: May 1, 2016 Author: Filed under:Tags:, dievca’s Master was tired. He had worked very hard and traveled across the country.

  1. Ellen Von Unwerth Revenge Pdf Creator Free

As He slipped into dievca’s apartment He knew that His absence had affected His dievca’s release.“dievca, strip naked and spread yourself open on the bed. You may touch yourself lightly.”Rummaging through the toy box, Master pulled out the lycra hood, a collar, penis gag, glass dildo and vibrator.Master spoke, again: “Put the hood, collar and gag on. Continue to play with yourself and I may or may not be watching, but you are allowed to orgasm in any way you choose. Make it a show.“dievca rolled off the bed and placed the dildo and vibrator on the side table. She put on the hood and buckled the gag.

Facing the side of the bed, dievca turned to grab the vibrator off of the bedside table and turn it on, she then leaned forward on to the bed with her legs spread and her weight on one elbow, with the other hand she used the vibrator on her clit. Gyrating her hips gently in a circle, she moved on the vibrator until she orgasmed. Giving Master a show of her ass.dievca stood up and dropped the vibrator to the middle of the bed.Turning to face where she thought Master might be sitting, dievca began to massage her breasts and nipples.

Lifting her breasts with one forearm and hand, she put her other hand on her pussy and rubbed it gently. She reached back to the table and took the glass dildo and rubbed it between her legs to get it wet from her cum.

Riding the dildo like riding Master’s hard cock, dievca came again.dievca sat on the bed and leaned back to raise her legs up, feet flat and knees spread wide. She placed the glass dildo inside of her pussy and thrust it a couple of times to spread the moisture. She then squeezed her legs together to hold the dildo in with her inner thighs and allow her hands to run along her breasts and pinch her nipples. Dievca then moved one hand to her clit to massage it and began to suck on the penis gag, drooling a little and making noises. She fumbled for the vibrator behind her back, turned it on to use on her clit. Riding the dildo and sucking on the cock gag, dievca orgasmed a third time.she was spent.dievca removed the dildo, turned the vibrator off and turned sideways to stretch and relax for a little bit of time. After awhile, she felt Master sit beside her on the bed.

Ellen Von Unwerth Revenge Pdf Creator

He removed the gag and placed her head on His thigh to find His Cock as He worked two fingers into her pussy with a “come here” motion. Master’s cock was already hard, so dievca took her time to savor the taste and the feel of His cock. She licked Him from base to tip and circled His head with her lips. Adding a little spit, dievca played with Master’s slit using her tongue and finger.“You may orgasm, again, if My Cock is fully in your mouth.”dievca immediately opened up her throat to take the length of Master’s Cock and swallowed lightly as she orgasmed from her G-Spot.Master pulled His fingers from dievca’s pussy and raised her to her knees. He stood on the bed in front of her and guided her mouth to His Cock.Holding dievca’s head steady, Master fucked dievca’s mouth until dievca came and then He found His release. Master held dievca’s head in place until she was done swallowing, then gently pulled off the hood and used it to wipe the excess cum.“Welcome Home, Master” dievca mumbled as they both fell asleep in the sun. ELLEN VON UNWERTHREVENGE 2002The always provocative Ellen von Unwerth has created a sadomasochistic story told in pictures.

A sexy romp in the country, where three young women arrive at a Baroness’ estate expecting a relaxing weekend, and find something entirely different. In these startlingly erotic photos, von Unwerth explores the vocabulary of bondage; the chains, ropes, masks, corsets, and hardware.

The participants in the story; the girls, the Baroness, her chauffeur, and the stable-hand, combine the dark and dangerous along with the fun and games of contemporary life in the fast lane.Ellen von Unwerth was born in Germany in the mid 1950’s. She worked in a circus as assistant to the knife thrower and as a model after being discovered walking down the street in her native Munich. Von Unwerth’s fashion work is published in American, Italian, and British Vogue, Interview and Vanity Fair. Her books include “Snaps”, “Wicked”, and “Couples.”. Posted: January 7, 2016 Author: Filed under:Tags:, Master was in a Mood yesterday.He has tried to find time to get work done, but Life has got in His way.

And then His dievca had enough of feeling blamed, so she snapped back hard. “Master, I only see you so often — I am not the problem. You have added people to your Life. And I have not asked for more time, in fact, we haven’t met as much. Stop blaming me for your lack of progress.”That did it.Master grabbed His dievca and told her that she was to strip fully except for heels and His collar, no presentation outfit allowed. He then commanded that she lay belly down on the cold glass coffee table.

Master put on the wrist and ankle cuffs and locked them with padlocks. He spread her legs and chained her ankles to the table legs in a spread-eagled position.

Dievca’s wrists, He clipped together behind her back.Silence reigned as Master collected items from the kitchen.Then Master began to speak, “I am trying to get work done” – SWAT across dievca’s ass with a spatula. “and everyone wants and needs my attention.” SWAT, again. Something dribbled onto dievca ass crack and pussy. A finger dove in her pussy and swirled.

“If I could just be left alone for a week” – an anal plug is anchored into dievca’s ass. “I could focus fully and produce” vibrator inserted into the pussy “some good work!”dievca was lifted up to a kneeling position, the vibrator adjusted and a Lycra hood with padded eye blindfold pulled over her head.

Master rummaged through dievca’s purse to find her lipstick and commanded dievca to open her mouth so He could apply it. Afterward, Master inserted a ball gag into dievca’s red mouth.

Her wrists were unbuckled and reconnected behind her to her ankles, so that her back was arched causing her breasts to jut forward. Master suckled each nipple offered and as His mouth left, He clipped a clothes pin onto each engorged nipple.“No one is honoring my space and time.” Master played with dievca’s exposed clit, and tapped the vibrator at the same time – which caused dievca to orgasm; once, twice, three times. Master continued to manipulate her sensitive body by drawing designs on the front with a fork.“I need to get work done.” Master unbuckled dievca’s wrists from her ankles, leaned her forward so that her forehead rested on a towel which put her ass in the air.

He re-buckled her wrists to her ankles, between her legs.The vibrator fell out of dieva’s pussy and was replaced with Master’s Cock. Master moved inside of dievca to become harder and removed Himself from dievca’s pussy to swat her ass with His hand.

“I want people to leave me alone, so I can focus.” Master removed the anal plug, added more lube and slid His Cock into dievca’s ass. Dievca orgasmed immediately, squeezing Master’s Cock hard.

Ellen Von Unwerth Revenge Pdf Creator Free

Holding dievca’s hips Master began to move when he felt His dievca opening up. Dievca started to orgasm over and over, clenching and squeezing Master. Master swatted dievca ass to re-focus and moved deeper when he knew she was fully relaxed.As Master was fucking her fully, he says “I am not blaming you for my not getting any work done, I’m just mentioning it to you.

With you, I am fully in control and will take what I want when I want it. You are my submissive. You do not control me, you gave your power to me.”dievca continued to orgasm and Master finally decided to remove His hard Cock from her ass.He unbuckled His dievca carefully, but left the cuffs, gag and hood on her. He unchained her ankles from the coffee table and helped her up carefully, then took her to the bedroom. Master removed deivca’s heels and the clothespins before laying her down on the bed and connecting her collar to the bedpost with the chain lead. Sounds of a condom being removed and hands being wash occurred in the nearby bathroom.

Master returned to the bed to lay down and spoon His dievca for about 10 minutes. When He got up, Master removed the ball gag, and says “I want silence” then re-connected dievca’s two ankles together. He connected her two wrists together in the front and said “I’m going to shower and work for 2 hours – you are to sleep.”dievca immediately fell asleep and was left on the bed for a long time period. She woke up gently as she felt the cuffs being unlocked and removed. Master rolled her onto her back and kissed her gently. With the hood/blindfold still on, He helped dievca sit-up and pressed a glass of water into her hands. After dievca finished drinking, Master removed the glass to place it on the table and disconnected the lead from the bedpost.

He pulled on the lead gently to move dievca’s head to rest upon His thigh and dievca knew to put Master’s soft Cock in her mouth.This is one of dievca’s favorite treats. Master’s Cock isn’t soft very often. And true to form Master’s Cock grew hard, immediately. Placed deep – the Cock touched the back of dievca’s throat. As it grew, dievca could not hold all of it in her mouth.

Master guided dievca to her knees and stood in front of her on the bed. He used the chain lead to guide her mouth to His Cock and inserted it fully.

Dievca immediately licked and Worshiped Her Master Cock as she loves to do. She knows it gives Him a great deal of pleasure and in return it pleasures her, too.After a time, Master ripped off the hood and grabbed dievca’s head to look into her eyes. He then held her steady to face fuck her. Dievca grabbed Master’s ass and opened her throat as far as possible. Master told dievca to touch her clit and they came off together, dievca tasted the salt and swallowed as much of Master’s semen as she could, the rest spilling across her face and chest. Master lifted dievca for a kiss and shared the salt.Both Master and dievca fell onto the bed and Master removed the chain lead.

Breathing hard while hearts were pounding, dievca and Master caught their breath and relaxed into each other. After some time in La La Land, they meandered into a shared shower and then out to the kitchen to eat. Ring Inver Ink Tattoo Parlour. Harley Weir and Julia Sarr-JamoisIt’s pretty safe to say that there is no flower more widely coveted than the orchid. With their delicate, sculptural beauty and rarity, orchids carry an unrivaled suggestion of refinement. The exotic flowers are cultivated in a wide variety of colors and delicately shaped blossoms.

Beautiful on their own and as an addition to arrangements.The funny thing?dievca has an orchid in the Midwest that she neglects, but it loves where it is located and the darn things blossoms consistently. She guesses a little benign neglect goes a long way with an orchidDifferent cultures throughout history have believed in the healing and protective properties of the orchid. The ancient Greeks associated it with virility, and the Aztecs were said to drink a mixture of the vanilla orchid and chocolate to give them power and strength. In traditional Chinese medicine the orchid is used to help cure coughs and lung illnesses.Does anyone remember the intrepid reporter Brenda Starr with her dishy mystery Man, Basil St. James and his Black Orchid Serum? An estimated 25,000 different types of orchids exist naturally, they are one of the largest flowering plant families. But orchids have always carried the impression of rarity.

Some tropical species grow in near inaccessible habitats and have never been seen more than a handful of times in the wild.Orchids mystique and beauty was irresistible to the Victorians, who collected and displayed them as treasures. Consequently, they became a sign of luxury and refined tastes. Today they are still hunted and traded by avid international orchid collectors, who prize them for their long-lasting blooms.What started dievca’s thought train about orchids?Shinola’s Orchid Collar and Lead.Strange, she knows, but that is just how her mind rolls.PS. If dievca cannot be considered as delicate and rare as an orchid, at least she can wear the color.

Ellen von Unwerth was a supermodel before the term was invented, so she knows a thing or two about photographing beautiful women. Now one of the world's most original and successful fashion photographers, she pays homage to the world's most delectable females in Fraulein. This celebration of our era's sexiest female icons includes Claudia Schiffer, Kate Moss, Vanessa Paradis, Britney Spears, Eva Mendes, Lindsay Lohan, Dita von Teese, Adriana Lima, Carla Bruni, Eva Green, Christina Aguilera, Monica Bellucci and dozens more. Switching effortlessly between color and immaculate black and white, von Unwerth's photography revels in sexual intrigue, femininity, romance, fetishism, kitsch humor, decadence and sheer joie de vivre. Whether nude or in lingerie and a dazzling smile, her subjects are never objectified. Some flaunt personal fantasies; others are guarded, suggesting that we have stumbled into a secret world. Fashion and fantasy were never so enchantingly combined.

These images were shot over the last 15 years and many are previously unpublished. Ingrid Sischy (1952-2015) was a Contributing Editor for Vanity Fair. A former staff writer, photography and fashion critic at The New Yorker, she was editor in chief of Interview, 1989-2008. She has profiled Keith Haring, David Hockney, Jeff Koons, Nicole Kidman, and Madonna, among many others.

Ellen von Unwerth worked as a top fashion model for 10 years, before taking up the camera and becoming one of the world's most in-demand fashion photographers. Her work has featured in countless magazines, including Vogue, Interview, Vanity Fair, and i-D, while her advertising campaigns include Victoria's Secret, Banana Republic, and Chanel. Von Unwerth's TASCHEN books include Heimat, Fraulein, and The Story of Olga.