Operations Manual For Rosengrenska


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  1. Operations Manual For Rosengrenska Use

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The aim of this sabbatical is to write a book that synthesizes my previous work on border control with new research material on civil society. The purpose of the project is to better understand the role of civil society in contesting or upholding contemporary border controls; it builds on but extends my prior work on protest and border control (Barker, in press); civil society and state structures (Barker 2009); border control and membership (2013a); civil society and social movements (Barker 2007). Civil society organizations such as Rosengrenska provide medical care to undocumented migrants and by doing so, they seek to open up national borders to nonmembers, providing access to rights and resources delimited to citizens and legal residents. This is a type of 'borderwork' to use Rumford's (2010) terminology in which ordinary people try to shape, change, move, dismantle and sometimes raise borders, challenging the state's authority to draw national boundaries and questioning the idea that borders are fixed entities marking territory. Borders are markers of social relations, not just geographic space.

Operations Manual For Rosengrenska Use

Because much of the literature has focused on state agencies such as the police, the migration board, detention centers and deportation regimes (Aas and Bosworth 2013; De Genova 2010), we still do not have a firm grasp on these social practices even though they may be laying the groundwork for future border relations. This project seeks to fill that gap. Results & ProductsThe RJ Sabbatical made it possible for me to spend a year as a visiting scholar at the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford where I was able to develop and subsequently complete a book project on borders and the welfare state. This rich environment and its geographic distance enabled me to think about the research puzzle with a new perspective, deepen my understanding of it, and highlight the particular dynamics within an international context.The book Nordic Nationalism and Penal Order: Walling the Welfare State seeks to explain the dramatic border closing with Denmark, reversing Sweden’s open door towards refugees and asylum seekers. In the context of globalization and mass mobility, the book examines how such a robust welfare state has increasingly reinscribed national borders in ways that rely on and blur the boundaries of crime control and immigration.

The book develops a theory of penal nationalism to explain how and why criminal justice is used to uphold national projects such as welfare states. One of its central findings is how concerns about the sustainability of the welfare state itself, its aim to provide security, social and economic well being for those on the inside, has led to the imposition of penal harm and insecurity for those on the outside. The welfare state’s ideals are used counter-intuitively to advance restrictive policies.In addition, the book takes up the significant role of civil society in supporting and challenging the state’s response to refugees and asylum seekers. Game show with double whammy game. During the height of the refugee crisis and long since after, civil society efforts have supplemented, extended and challenged official responses, often operating out of a duty of care and social solidarity. By doing so, some groups have sought to redraw the boundaries of inclusion and state responsibility.There are several upcoming events planned around the book, including a book launch at the All Souls Criminology seminar series at the University of Oxford (Jan 2018), a book review symposium on the Border Criminologies blog (Nov 2017), a proposal for Author Meets Reader at Law & Society Association (June 2018), a proposed panel for the Swedish Sociological Association (March 2018), and a conversation on the book at the Sociology Department at Stockholm University (Feb 2018), among other events.

I plan to use the book to make contributions to the public debate in Sweden around these issues, which seem to be missing an examination of threats to the rule of law posed by increased securitization.While the book is a culmination of a long-term research project, it raises new sets of questions for further exploration. Questions remain about the future trajectory of migration policies and their effects on society. To what extent do restrictive migration policies, particularly as they merge with crime control and security concerns, put pressure on the rule of law, due process, and equal treatment? What kinds of effects do these policies and practices have on democratic principles and institutions? At the same time, it is an open question as to the role and effects of civil society in responding to the refugee crisis. Many groups clearly played a key role in supporting official responses. But to what degree is civil society providing a parallel welfare state, providing services, support, and integration?

And to what extent are civil society actors, including asylum seekers, incorporated into the political process? Book MonographsBarker (2018) Nordic Nationalism and Penal Order: Walling the Welfare State. Routledge Studies in Criminal Justice, Borders, and Citizenship, Routledge. Release date 21 November 2017.