Spriteforge Serial Mom

  1. Savoy Pictures
  2. Saul Zaentz Film Center

Originally posted by:Correct me if I'm wrong, but if this software exports as a PNG animated sheet, then it's compatible with RMMV, since it imports animated sprites as png sheets, like a grid with animation kind.I have this app here, but it's been a long time since I don't test it, they promised a distortion on image, it was alpha stage, I need to install again and see if they implemented that. This would be a priceless thing for rpg maker.Yes, you are right but OP was asking for direct Spriter file playback in RPG Maker MV, which would allow for really cool stuff like on the fly costume and equipment changes in RPG Maker, real-time character customizing, smoothly animated portrait and combat animations etc. Originally posted by:Correct me if I'm wrong, but if this software exports as a PNG animated sheet, then it's compatible with RMMV, since it imports animated sprites as png sheets, like a grid with animation kind.I have this app here, but it's been a long time since I don't test it, they promised a distortion on image, it was alpha stage, I need to install again and see if they implemented that.

This would be a priceless thing for rpg maker.Yes, you are right but OP was asking for direct Spriter file playback in RPG Maker MV, which would allow for really cool stuff like on the fly costume and equipment changes in RPG Maker, real-time character customizing, smoothly animated portrait and combat animations etc. Does it really make a big difference nowadays? Since the new maker version uses powerful 'pixi' engine, I'm already impressed on how many animated sprites we can have in the screen, but I guess the native api could make things even smoother and accept bigger things. Idk, would need to test in real world usage.

Savoy Pictures


Saul Zaentz Film Center

Even with the older pixi, I was able to load tons of animated sprites on the screen.One thing that would be absolutely better with the native api would be the file sizes for the game, since the png animated sprites are very heavy on the file size.