Bible Codes Search Proquest


Hebrew Bible Code Matrices (1 of 2) Many articles are in HTML using GIFS, however, some are in PDF format todisplay Hebrew text and to allow the viewer to zoom in and out. Those will requirethe free Adobe Acrobat Reader program and browser plug-in (available at ).NEW May 2008 (PDF) by Lyuben Piperov. Lyuben investigates mathematical relationships between terms in a Bible code matrix.(PDF) by Lyuben Piperov. The author looks back over predicted 2007 events and has new findings related to recent comets and other events.(PDF) by Lyuben Piperov. A new matrix by that investigates Shimon Peresgaining the presidency of Israel in the Bible code. He also ties it to other events expected by Lyuben in 2007.(PDF) by Lyuben Piperov.

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An investigation of terms related to Bulgaria with musings on possible numerical relationships of terms. Lyuben is tryingto develop additional ways to look at a codes matrix.(PDF) by Roy A. New matrix with 22 terms that are sentences. It investigates the possibility that hurricane Katrina has an X-Filestype twist involving scalar electromagnetic waves. The matrix is far beyond chance in the universe, and I think you'llsee that the findings are extremely interesting.

650kb, 16-page article.(PDF) byEP. A comprehensive (and nice looking) matrix on the Coming of Elijah. Make sure you show the matrix at 100% size in order toclearly see all the terms in the matrix. The matrix has 72 terms and is statistically very significant. It also has a predictive element.(PDF) by Roy A. Reinhold.I decided to develop a new advanced matrix on the 9-11 attack, that is both statistically significant and meaningful.My purpose was also to show the reader how to go about developing more advanced Bible code matrixes. I think everyonewill find this matrix visually stunning.(PDF) by LyubenPiperov of Bulgaria.

A paper by Lyuben to answer some e-mails he's had concerning the statistical relevance of hismatrix and some of the terms in his AD 2006 matrix. An interesting paper. I also duplicated his matrix in CodeFinderand put a note at the end on the odds I came up with using the R-value method in CodeFinder.(PDF) by Roy A. Reinhold.After a recent article by someone giving bad transliteration advice, I thought it would be helpful to show everyonethat both logically and from the Bible itself, that the bad advice is disproven.

The bad advice was in regard totransliteration of names in the Bible code, and stated that certain letters can only be used for people who are Jewish.In fact, the Bible clearly shows many, many non-Jews whose names are spelled within the Bible using these so-called'prohibited' letters. A short 6-page article that should be helpful to most people.(PDF) by Lyuben Piperov of Bulgaria.A paper that investigates a Bible code concerning the year 2006 and its relation to prophecies.(PDF) by Roy A. Reinhold.After privately confronting Moshe Shak over his papers attacking Mel Gibson and pointing out numerous illegitmate Biblecode techniques employed, Moshe has asked me to remove his papers from the website, which I have done. I consider MosheShak to be one of the world's top Bible code researchers, but he stepped way over the line. In reality, we don't have ahandbook on the Bible code giving all the rules, so read this paper to see the problem areas. It will help everyone tosee what techniques and problems to avoid in codes research.(PDF) by Lyuben Piperov of Bulgaria.

An extensive paper investigating the Holocaust in Bulgariaand the rest of Europe in WW2, in the Bible code. Lyuben looks at encoding of 'safe states' during that tragicperiod in world history. Specifically, Lyuben wanted to know whether the Bible code showed the extent that heroic Bulgarianswent to in order to save Jews and not comply with Nazi extermination plans. It's an aspect of WW2 that people are largelyunaware of.

The PDF allows you to save it and print it if you desire. E-mail Lyuben with any comments.(PDF) by Roy A. The WMD (weapons of mass destruction) fromIraq matrix was introduced on the new History Channel Bible code special which premiered on April 11, 2004.It is shown here in its entirety. The matrixinvestigates whether Saddam Hussein relocated his WMD to Syria and the Beqaa valley of Lebanon prior to the recent warwhich began in March, 2003. The matrix affirms the investigation thesis and adds predictive elements.(PDF) by Roy A. The End of Days matrix was introduced on theHistory Channel special, The Bible Code: Predicting Armageddon, although they didn't show the matrix itself on the show.It's an important attempt at using the Bible code to see if we can identify the timeframe for the end of days period.The matrix is ultimately about the coming of the Messiah to reign on theearth.(PDF) by Bob Schneider.


He hasdeveloped this preliminary work looking at the subject of the supposed planet Nibiru in the Bible code. Thematrix article has a number of matrixes. The article may be controversial and Bob welcomes e-mails on thesubject (address at end of article).by Dr. Bible code matrix on the recentcapture of Saddam Hussein from a rat-hole in Iraq near Tikrit, north of Baghdad, Richard C. Prendergast.He has developed a low ELS matrix in the area of Psalm 22, that ties in the prophecies of Psalm 22 with Yeshua (Jesus) asMessiah. He uses names and titles for the Messiah in the surface text of the Bible and locates them in this matrix withexcellent odds. Feel free to read the matrix and e-mail Richard if you have questions or concerns.

Richard Prendergast isa Christian missionary and former Master of the OM missionary ships Doulos and Logos II. He resides in Dr. A Bible code matrixon the terrible bombing in Jerusalem, Israel on August 19, Dr. Asali's Bible code matrixon the electrical blackout in the Northeast USA in early August 2003.(PDF) by Moshe Aharon Shak. Moshe's advancedversion Bible code matrix on the SARS virus. The new additions include quite a few new matrix terms and hints at an avenuefor a cure. Extensive PDF file with impressive statistical Dr.

Asali Zaki.A Bible code matrix on the SARS virus.(PDF)by Moshe Aharon Shak. Moshe's Bible code matrix on the SARS virus. It's an issue that has many people concerned, especially inAsia or if you travel from Dr. Asali Zaki.Part 1 is a quick look at the current events taking place in Iraq, in the Bible Moshe Aharon Shak of Canada.Part 2 delves more deeply into the Columbia disaster. It's oriented towards a Jewish view as it relates to Ilan Ramon, thefirst Israeli astronaut, who was on Dr. Asali Zaki.Part 2 builds through a series of matrixes, what appears to be a graphic picture of the shuttle in the matrix.The term for the left wing saying, 'fire consumed'. It's very Dr.

Asali Zaki.Part 1 has two different matrixes on the Shuttle Columbia disaster. They are both meaningful and statistically significant. Asalways, Dr. Asali Zaki's take on events is good Bible code work.(PDF) by Moshe Aharon Shak of Canada.An interesting look in the Bible codes on the Shuttle Columbia disaster. His matrix is oriented towards a Jewish viewas it relates to Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli astronaut who was on Columbia.(PDF) by Moshe Aharon Shak.He has put together a 6-page paper outlining the methodology he used to create the Washington Sniper matrixand Israeli Elections matrix.

Both of these matrixes were done BEFORE THE FACT and accurately showed what took place. Evenif you are not a Bible coder yourself, and merely a casual reader of the work of others, this paper's methodologies willhelp you by giving you a framework to judge whether the coder uses good methods.(PDF) by Moshe Aharon Shak of Canada.

(January 24, 2003) Moshe has expanded the January 9 article with a 2-pagePostscript and new expanded matrix and matrix report. The Israeli election is scheduled to occur on January 28, 2003.(PDF) by Moshe Aharon Shak of Canada. (January 9, 2003) Moshe has endeavored to do and make publicthis Bible code matrix, BEFORE the coming Israeli election in 3 weeks. Oftentimes, skeptics have said, 'Well, I don'tsee many matrixes done before the fact.' Here is one example of a predictive matrix. Whether Moshe is shown to beright or not, we who work in the Bible codes will learn from it.

Newly modified on January 16, 2003 to fix Annex A wherethe Hebrew had gotten mixed up. Also added two polls graphics.(PDF) by Moshe Aharon Shak of Canada.

In part 2, Moshe has revealed previously developed findings thatshowed that Lee Boyd (John) Malvo was the shooter in multiple shootings in the Washington D.C. Area murders. He had developedthese findings from the Bible codes BEFORE the information was publicly announced on TV and in newspapers.(PDF) by Moshe Aharon Shak of Canada.(January 8, 2003) Originally online November 29, 2002. Moshe has found and developed a wonderful matrix paper on therecent snipers in the Washington D.C. Area, which includes known information on the suspects Muhammed and Malvo.The paper also includes speculative information about a tie-in with Iraqand sympathy for the 911 terrorists.

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The statistical significance is farbeyond chance. In order to facilitate understanding, Moshe has manysub-matrixes to break down the findings into more easily understoodchunks, with entire matrix & report at the Bill DePace.Bill is a Christian schoolteacher who has taken a look at Rock Music and it's possible effects on people. There is alsoan article after the Bible code matrix Dr. Asali Zaki.Dr. Asali takes a look at breast cancer in the Bible Dr. Asali Zaki.A very good introductory article on anthrax and a compact Bible code matrix showing anthrax in the Dr.

Asali Zaki.A kabbalistic view of the creation of the universe as explored in the Bible code. This matrix is not too significant statistically,so it doesn't prove the case; but Dr.

Asali has written an excellent article that you'll find very Roy A. Reinhold.A tragic event took place on 911, where many hate-filled terrorist teams took over airliners and flew them into both towersof the World Trade Center in New York City, plus the Pentagon building in Washington DC. This matrix has many sentences andis an extremely significant matrix from a statistical view.

We extend our sympathies to the families of the victims, both onthe ground and on the airplanes. The American people are now wide awake to the threat of terrorist events from the same peoplethat have planned and carried out a number of attacks against the USA in the past 8 Cindy Marcell of MN.Partially snooped by Roy A. Reinhold with Dr. Nathan Jacobi, and Walter York. The result is very long terms that are completesentences; a 40-letter term, a 35-letter term and more.

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This matrix is just the tip of the iceberg regarding very long termsin the Bible code. The statistical odds are phenomenal. The matrix shows the case that Melchizedek and Yeshua (Jesus) ofNazareth are the same person. View part 1 below before viewing part 2. The matrix is large due to the long terms (580k in GIF)so the page will take a little time to Cindy Marcell of MN.A highly significant Bible code matrix that explores the question of whether Melchizedek and Yeshua were the same person.Melchizedek was an enigmatic individual sparsely mentioned in both the Tanach (OT) and New Testament of the Bible, but at thesame time a person spoken of in a very different way than as an ordinary human.

In the article is also an excerpt from theDead Sea Scrolls that speaks of Melchizedek. Presented from a mainstream christian view.has many more older Bible code matrixes.Click to go there.