Flyff V19 Official Filestream


I'm not going to develop a server (I could, but I cannot afford running one, might practise for sharpening my code skills) but, what would you ask of a FlyFF private server?Version? What would you remove from say v19?Rates? Should the level cap raise if the rates are high? For example I believe in a low rate, say x3, but keep drops low (x2 max) and highish penya.Upgrading rates? Should they stay as is?

I'd follow a vanilla attempt, making upgrading very expensive, but allowing players to farm Scrolls (maybe as dungeon bosses drops 1-3 per kill or move them as an incentive to farm other 'useless' bosses such as Clockworks?) If the rates are low and level cap 150, I would leave upgrading rates and awakes as they are.New dungeons? Maybe more low-level content, if there was a low exp rate? Focusing on taking bosses down, not weird puzzles or farming boxes endlessly.Balance? Should the v19 unique weapon changes go through or have them reverted? Should skills be changed? For example a low duration Arcanist sleep?


Should a PvP/PvE balance be acquired through items or through skill changes?What things should be accessible from a cash shop? Servers can't run on good intentions, but a p2w experience doesn't exactly beat Webzen would it? I'd go with fashion and amps/functional items (Friendship, transy, trans, sex change, guild furnies) as cash exclusive, but have some be random drops (Blessing of the goddess, 1-day tickets, tokens to exchange for fashion/other cs items.)Any other cool ideas?. Low rate servers are great, but only if you have items to play it through with, preferably you get something for leveling, levelup rewards that you can buy weapons and armor(accessory) to some extent with. And then gain ingame money by killing giants, getting a rare drop from a monster(I wish more servers had this) Where it's a small chance to get a let's say light 7% card that would be considered rare, from all monsters in the game(like 0.01% chance drop or something).


Preferably a server where you don't have to work as a team, idk, I just wanna play the server on my own, with 2 chars. Main and ringmaster.Personally I just wanna play on a server where bloody weapons are the highest, probably also just a low drop% from volcano monsters(This would require some kind of party instance 1 for each party so the place doesn't get overrun)As for paying, I think people would be willing to pay for cosmetics such as weapon skins, cs fashion, cloaks. Or just something that doesnt directly mean you are more powerful than a non donator, because let's face it, when you're new to a server, and you see all these overpowered donors with max gear critting for 2million you get kind of discouraged from playing. It has been so long for me since I saw a server that could balance grinding, dungeons, pvp and classes.

Most of the times they start off really well(Looking at you Lunaria and Onyxflyff) but then they just fall flat on their face cos at max level it's just repedetive and nothing to do, probably just grind, and then spend 5 hours for a perfect awakening on X item, just to get nothing out of it anyway.These are my ideas, I have plenty more.Edit 1: Maybe if masquerpets that dropped bloody weapons dropped less penya, so if you wanted a safe income you'd kill something else for money. But hunting for weapons would still be worth it. I'd play a server that doesn't shove too much custom weapon/model/map crap and prioritized just offering an experience that felt more like the original but fixed and balanced like a proper MMORPG.

Balance doesn't mean making every class equally OP.It could and should get custom stuff such as new quests, NPCs and possibly dungeons or equipment, but that shouldn't be the first step. The first step should be fixing what's wrong with the game.Low rate. And I mean less than 10x. Flyff is PvM driven. And it's an online game. Grind shouldn't be too long that it becomes too tiring, but it shouldn't become so fast lv160 might as well not exist. First jobs are meant to be used for a significant amount of time.Low rate should be accompanied with more worthwhile content at lower levels.

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People need things to do at those levels, not lazily solve the issue by throwing higher rates. Even games where the whole point is to quickly reach the cap have way more spread content than Flyff does.Penya absolutely should NOT be tampered with. The game lacks significant money sinks. It accumulates in the market really fast. If you're sure not increasing penya rate will make too many players have problems with NPC items just add quests/alter quests to give more penya and food/potion rewards. That's how better games do it.Drop rates also shouldn't be tampered. The market isn't supposed to get flooded.

Instead especific items need to have their INDIVIDUAL chances edited just so it doesn't take 10+ runs to get the gear piece you want in a dungeon/boss. And for this to have any positive effect Scrolls of Unbind shouldn't be allowed to exist. You want the dungeon gear? You make effort and get it with your guildmates. Not everything is supposed to be farmable and sellable. It's what keeps dungeons relevant and at this point is very basic MMORPG 101.Upgrade rates are insane.

Flyff V19 Official Filestream 2016

It costs a car-worth of real money if you convert the sum of all protection scrolls it takes. They need to be significantly increased. At the same time though, protection scrolls have to be less accessible. Whether in form of in-game rare treasure/reward or increased price/decreased quantity as donation item, it doesn't matter. Even if the ridiculously low rates are wrong it's also stupid to make it so you easily see hundreds players getting maxed gear in a short time.Additionally weapons and shields need to have 13 safe piercing atempts while suit just 1.

Beginners need to have a taste of what pierced gear is like.Negative awakes are a stupid idea made solely to enforce sales of reversions. You might get awakening stats that are pointless for your class or build. That's enough risk. I'd get rid of the negative ones.New dungeons shouldn't be a priority over fixing existing content.

But when adding new dungeons low level must be first. If dungeon spoils' soul-bind are LEFT AS THEY SHOULD BE there isn't even a need to give dungeons any entrance cooldown. A custom feature is actually required here. Something that prevents issues with deciding who takes what. It could be as simple as forcing the party into random item distribution or as complex as trying to mimic other MMORPGs' need x greed system.I disagree on 'no weird puzzles' depending on what that implies. Flyff is very barebones with its 'challenges' but MMOs with effort put into them make sure each dungeon and boss has at least one unique mechanic.

It doesn't even have to be very complex.Balance is the most annoying issue to be fixed. The average Flyff player has a pretty distorted notion of what balancing means. Pretty much every item, equipment, enemy and skill would have to be edited in order for actual balance to happen. A lot of consumables would either have to be scrapped altogether or stay IF limitations on how stacking consumable stat boosts was coded in.

Filling your screen with all kinds of consumable shit is a joke.Flyff gets equipment progression incredibly wrong. You DON'T use% modifiers. You use fixed bonus, so the next line of gear doesn't take a headache to be worked out and the HP/Damage scaling doesn't reach ridiculous levels.

This is the logical approach every MMO that isn't dated uses. Higher level gear has to be desirable but you don't want to break the game.Also, no, balance doesn't mean every class can do anything. There are 8 different classes BECAUSE they're supposed to play one role really well and not be very good at the rest. There is a reason MMORPGs have long since abandoned this ridiculous notion that a Monk should excel in tanking AND dpsing, etc. The secondary role of classes are meant to support the primary role of others (ea a healer primarily heals and buffs but can dps/debuff to help the other classes), not make them independent of others.Granted the server is offering fun in its free content people don't need to be short of forced into buying cash items.

As someone who actually plays popular modern MMORPGs I attest that under that scenario limiting the cash shop to cosmetics and convenience items would potentially suffice. This means, of course, GETTING RID OF THE ATROCIOUS STATTED FASHION/BoTG idea to keep them as what they were from the beginning, cosmetic. By this I mean cloaks and glasses/masks no longer having stats. Flying vehicles are just convenience and are perfectly fine. NPC/Monster transforming, fireworks, sex change items, etc, are fine too. Different pets are also not balance breaking as all pets do the same thing.

Make the buff-pet upgrade in-game only so the only reason to buy pets in the cash shop is so you can have your favorite model/get the limited release to look different from most.If taking this approach cash items shouldn't be tradeable. Players will not be losing anything that interfers with the PvM or PvP competitively. But if they want the cosmetic stuff they need to donate. Letting the market get flooded with reselling this stuff would make more players just sit and wait for resellers to show up.Honestly I don't think tickets should even be a thing.

Just make the areas accessible through NPCs. Tickets are a lazy solution with no thought put into it by the devs. Just have a quest that unlocks the access to, say, Coral Isle via a NPC standing next to an airship.Furniture should either be purchased in-game or better yet be crafted via NPCs using a list of monster drops, not to expire ever.Game needs to scale down the money. Make it harder to make it past 1m but also decrease the cost of NPC items. Money also shouldn't be as important as it currently is by the endgame.Flyff doesn't like high running speed and a lot of people who are used to abusing the shit out of speed boosters will flame me for saying this but the speed cap has to be lowered significantly.Speaking of stat cap much of the stats' caps would have to be edited or made much harder to reach.

Flyff v19 official filestream login

It's ridiculously easy to reach max attack speed and ridiculous casting nowadays.On the subject of skills auto-attacking needs to be less glorified and skills need to do more than just plain damage. I don't think Flyff needs to be all the way like other games where you pretty much don't auto-attack at all, but the skills DO need to tone down the click and wait til monster is dead approach for melee classes.Game needs to stop rewarding laziness. Amps really had to go. And tanking for people outside your party shouldn't be giving people exp.Holies, Remantis, Eldin's Jar, etc.

Instant-heal items should definitely NOT be a thing. Items aren't supposed to replace class roles and making pvp a matter of 1-hit KO versus 1-hit KO. (Part 2 of the post)And lastly, while I'm against adding TOO MUCH custom there are three things I think should be added in a scenario where the rest of the tweaks (and usual bug fixes) were put in place, in the following order:1- QUESTS. This is what games do when 'too much grind' is an issue. Instead of increasing the exp rates you add quests, preferably with dialogue and stories that are the very least entertaining, so it doesn't quite feel like you're just killing monsters over and over for hours for no reason. The Reonan and Soldiers of Kion quests were a start but they suffered from poorly thought challenges (kill monsters 2040 levels above?) and bad pacing (you will be level 15 before you can even start the last few Kion quests and they can only be triggered as vagrant). Quests also need to encourage partying.

Flyff used to have quests where killing monsters/collecting in a party would add the counter globally. Say if the counter was 1/20. Your partner killed something, and it went up to 2/20 even if you didn't touch the enemy.Quests don't have ALL to be part of the same chain. I'd say a good approach would be to create several chained ones part of multiple storylines, more office quests for the more generic scripts, and quests that unlock things such as access to areas/dungeons/new NPC-based features.2- Party system. The current system is terrible. It encourages people to play in pairs instead of grouping together in the same area.

The party's share range has to be GREATLY increased, and the exp bonus/distribution needs to discourage splitting while prejudicing AFK people rather than the ones active.3- Dungeons (and gear). I put these together because I think they should come together always. Flyff needs more dungeons. Especially dungeons below level 70. The dungeon system itself needs a lot of tweaks too. Dungeons aren't supposed to simply be hallways with monsters to kill.

They need stories and they need different progression mechanics. They shouldn't be solo'd either. It's supposed to be where full party teamwork and coordination comes into play the most.4- Guild features.

Game needs more guild features.5- Guild Siege and Tower Siege tweaking. It baffles me some people have a difficulty at grasping the fact Flyff wasn't made for PvP. It's still a thing and it still needs to be tweaked to be less repetitive and justify the weekly hype. As is it's just a bland circular arena where people run and jump like clowns while targetting each other. That aside the problems pvp has are related to all the stackable shit and bad scaling the rest of the game's content piles.PvP is IMO very low in the priority of things to improve, but it still should.It's a lot to change as you can see and I doubt enough people would support the idea.

It's why I ended just playing other games. You have awesome ideas, and I was exactly thinking the same thing with access to premium areas such as Azria/Coral Island etc. Id love the game to have a more questy experience. V19 did this thing right, for sure. Premium boosts should def go, and just drop them rarely on bosses, each dropping having different premium drops, so there's an incentive on each boss, so none completely outclass the others other and all are worth farming.I would like the game to have a progression, and not allow players to tank their new characters up.

Giving them equipment sure, but not tanking/plvling endlessly. You should work to unlock things, and in exchange you get more things to do and levelling rewards every 5 levels or so? So you have small goals all the time. Unless it's somehow more complicated in Flyff's case there are two or possibly three things that could be done. One and I guess the most 'complex' would be changing how aggro works.

I'm not sure how Flyff's codes are in this regard but this would prevent tanking from being as simple as it currently is, as factors such as the dps and skill aggro would be put into play. This would mean tanking for lower levels would end causing them to be targetted unless the tanker dealt enough damage that would butcher the exp and not make it worth it.Another solution would be stopping players outside your party from getting exp off a monster you hit/provoke entirely.But another one that is arguably the easier would be to make it so monsters past a certain level gap compared to yours penalizes the exp.Then again in a scenario where more quests were added this issue wouldn't matter. In fact depending on how many people started prefering the quests over hours/days/weeks of plain grind you could just decrease overworld monster exp entirely and discourage plvl/pure grind.

It will be called 'Clockworks' and it is planned to go live on. The server will be hosted in Frankfurt (Germany). The new server is targeted at European regions which don't have a dedicated FlyFF version available. Expect (hopefully) lower latency if you're from Europe and willing to join the Clockworks server. Don't worry, the old servers won't get closed and it's up to you if you want to start fresh on a new server, they are not forcing European players to switch there.Are you going to join the new server? Let me know what you think about this by leaving a comment!