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Vocalist, singer/songwriter, and guitarist first made a name for herself as part of, a band led by that enjoyed a cult following in the 1980s. Her Capricorn Records debut,was released in 1996, and since then, her unique blend of folk-rock andblues-rock has found a home with Triple A (adult album alternative)radio stations and their audiences around the country. Released in 1990 to good reviews.

That recording chronicled emergence as a songwriter; she had thought of herself primarily as a song interpreter before that. On, was joined by (.), ,. Was raised in Los Angeles, the daughter of Hollywood film and TV actorJack Straw, best-known for his starring role in The Pajama Game. She wasdrawn to the life of a performer, and after high school, she headedstraight for Manhattan, arriving in New York in 1978. Shortly afterthat, she landed her first job singing harmonies for, and later joined ever-changing lineup, which also included. Can be heard on and albums.

She also toured the U.S. And Europe with the band, performing at the Montreaux Jazz Festival one year.In the midst of promoting and touring for, has kept up her profile as a scenemaker, sitting in at clubs and lending her gifted musical sensibilities to records by,. A version of her song 'Howl' served as the title cut for a film by, Sleep with Me. Was the first female singer signed by Capricorn, a roots rock and blues label based in Nashville. On, she's accompanied by a gifted bar band from Missouri, and she recorded the album without a lot of extras at their studio off Route 66 in Springfield, MO.

On the album,addresses themes ranging from love and the lack of it on a track by thesame name, 'Love and the Lack of It,' as well as loneliness, as on'All Things Change.' Is an enormously gifted vocalist and songwriter who has her own distinct musical vision, as evidenced on her self-produced.That vision is a rootsy one, with lots of country and blues influences.The 14 originals on the record prove it. Although she didn't set outto, she also plays rhythm guitar on many of the tracks on the album.

Free Download Golden Palominos Pure Rapidshare Programs To Download Pc

Says with the biography accompanying that she doesn't see the album as a 'comeback' at all, 'because things have been constantly busy and changing for me sincecame out. But I really threw myself into the new record in a way that Ihaven't been inspired to do for a long time.' ' Great records and awider following are in the offing for this unique, multi-genre vocalistand songwriter.

She released her third album, in 2008.Tracklist 1–. /.3:492–. /.4:063–.3:374–.3:585–. /. /.5:326–.5:387–.5:448–.3:469–.3:3410–.3:1611–.3:5912–.3:3613–.3:4714–.4:12.

Please, dear readers, when emailing me directly, give me some information such as wanting a file reupped, or a file posted. It makes it so much easier on me and saves me from having to try and decipher what it is you're asking for.Please email to ihatethe90s at gmail dot com to make your request or use the dropdown box below to email me.

One request per month, please. If you're rude, I won't fulfill your request(s). Before making a request, please make sure that the release hasn't already been posted. Use the search box at the top left of the page. No religious music please. Contributors can request up to 5 per month.


Music should be college radio - indie, alternative, hardcore, punk type music. Please do not post requests in the comments section of the posts. Either email or post in the chatbox. All requests must be for releases between 1990 and 1999.

Music must originally be released between 1990 and 1999. Other requests for releases beyond these years will no longer be honored. Do not ask me to bend or break the rules. Thanks.As of 2 March 2018, any release reissued after 1999 will no longer be posted.As of September 8, 2018, I'm not taking any new contributions/contributors.

Thanks to all contributors for their assistance!If you are found to be using different names on the Chatbox to get more than 1 request per month, you will no longer be able to have your requests fulfilled and you will be banned from the Chatbox. No fake emails. You don't have to enter your email in the Chatbox unless you want, but don't enter in fake email addresses. Please be fair to others and use ONE name on the Chatbox.Thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay! Oh, and a please or a thank you will help your request or re-up get posted. Good manners matter. Special thanks to my surrogate blog buddies who've introduced me to some great bands and uploaded them for all of us to enjoy.

I truly appreciate all of their hard work and they are now a part of the I Hate the 90s team.

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