Install Debian Youtube


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Recently released the latest version 7.2.2 of Cisco Packet Tracer network simulator software for Windows, Linux, and macOS systems.How to Run Packet Tracer on Debian 10The latest version of the (CPT) is 7.2.2. Networking Academy has added many new advanced features to its network simulator program. In particular, we can say that the simulator gives more importance to visual appearance.You can install, run and use this version on your Windows, Linux, and even macOS operating systems. In our previous articles, we have examined the steps of installing this network simulator on different systems;. In this article, we’ll create a desktop and start menu shortcuts after installing the latest version of Packet Tracer. How to Install CPT 7.2.2First, download the to your Linux computer and then follow the steps below.Step 1Open Terminal by right-clicking on your desktop and use the chmod command in the image below to change the permissions for

Chmod +x PacketTracer-7.2.2-ubuntu-setup.runThen execute./ to start the installation.Step 2In older versions of CPT, the extension of the setup file published as tar.gz. Cp /opt/pt/bin/Cisco-PacketTracer.desktop /home/user/Desktop/chmod +x Cisco-PacketTracer.desktopHow to Create a Start Menu Shortcut for Packet TracerShortcuts for some programs installed on Linux platforms do not automatically add to the start menu. So if we create a new desktop shortcut, you can add it to the Start Menu.You must run the following command to create a start menu shortcut for Packet Tracer. Cp Cisco-PacketTracer.desktop /usr/share/applicationsAfter you apply the command, you can see that the shortcut created in the start menu.Video TutorialTo use Packet Tracer on your Linux computer, you can watch the video below and also subscribe to our channel to support us!How to Install CPT 7.2.1If you want to use an older version of Packet Tracer, you can follow the same steps. However, the requirement of dependent packets may be different.Therefore, you can follow the steps below to install CPT 7.2 on Debian 9 versions.Step 1First, open the terminal by pressing CTRL + Alt + T to edit the sources.list. After executing sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list in Terminal, add the following addresses to the resource list.Press CTRL + X to save your changes to the Sources.list file, and then press Y and Enter. Deb jessie maindeb stretch maindeb unstable mainStep 2After editing Sources.list, use sudo apt-get update to update the package list.

Sudo apt-get updateStep 3Create a new folder with the mkdir command and extract the PacketTracer72.tar.gz file to the folder you created. Mkdir CPT72tar -xvzf Packet Tracer 7.2.1 for Linux 64 bit.tar.gz -C CPT72/Step 4Go to the CPT72 folder and execute the./install command to start the installation./installStep 5After installation, execute the packettracer command on the Terminal. If it doesn’t, go to cd /opt/pt/bin/ and execute./PacketTracer7.If it still doesn’t work, you may receive error as follows.Step 6To resolve this error you need to install the libpng package to do this, use sudo apt-get install libpng12-0. Sudo apt-get install libpng12-0Step 7When you try to open a program again, if you receive a./ no version information available (required by./PacketTracer7) error, you must install libcrypto package.Step 8To install the Libcrypto package, execute sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0 at the Terminal. Sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0When you try to open Packet Tracer 7.2 after installation, you will get the same error again.Step 9Now execute cp -i /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/ /opt/pt/bin/. Then press Y to confirm the overwriting of the existing file. Cp -i /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/ /opt/pt/bin/cp: overwrite '/opt/pt/bin/'?

YAs you can see in the image below, libcrypto error no longer interferes with Packet Tracer’s operation!Step 10Finally, execute sudo apt-get install libqt5webkit5 to install dependent packages for Packet Tracer 7.2.1. Sudo apt-get install libqt5webkit5Step 11Now the CPT starts smoothly!Step 12You can check the version of the software in Help / About.VideoYou can watch the video below to install CPT 7.2.1 step by step on Debian and subscribe to our YouTube channel to support us!How to Install CPT 7.1.1If you try to install an older version of Packet Tracer 7.1, you will get error. To resolve this issue, install the following dependent packages on your system, respectively. Apt-get install qtmultimedia5-devapt-get install libqt5webkit5-dbgapt-get install libqt5script5apt-get install libqt5scripttools5Finally, if you do not match your system when you download libpng with the wget command, you can download and install the corresponding package at. VideoFinal WordIn this article, we have examined how to install and use new and old versions of the Cisco simulator in Linux/Debian.

And finally, we’ve created a desktop and start menu shortcuts for the program. Thanks for following us! Related Articles♦♦♦♦♦.

Install Debian Linux

If you have ever used a Raspberry Pi device, you probably already know that it recommends a Linux distribution called.Raspbian is a heavily customized form of Debian to run on low-powered ARM processors. It’s not bad. In fact, it’s an excellent OS for Raspberry Pi devices but it’s not the real Debian.would prefer to run the actual Debian over.

Youtube Dl Install Debian

I trust Debian more than any other distribution to provide me a vast amount of properly vetted free software packages. Moreover, a project like this would help other ARM devices as well.Above all, running the official Debian on Raspberry Pi is sort of challenge and I like such challenges. Be aware this Debian image is very raw and unsupported at the moment.

Though it’s very new, I believe experienced Raspberry Pi and Debian users should be able to use it.Now as far as is concerned, here is the Debian image and instructions that you could use to put the Debian stock image on your Raspberry pi 3 Model B+. Step 1: Download the Debian Raspberry Pi Buster imageYou can download the preview images using wget command: wget Step 2: Verify checksum (optional)It’s optional but you should. You can do that by downloading the SHA256 hashfile and then comparing it with that of the downloaded Raspberry Pi Debian image.At my end I had moved both the.sha256 file as img.xz to a directory to make it easier to check although it’s not necessary.


Wget -c 20190206-raspberry-pi-3-buster-PREVIEW.img.xz.sha256 Step 3: Write the image to your SD cardOnce you have verified the image, take a look at it. It is around 400MB in the compressed xzip format. You can extract it to get an image of around 1.5GB in size.Insert your SD card. Before you carry on to the next command please change the sdX to a suitable name that corresponds to your SD card.The command basically extracts the img.xz archive to the SD card.

The progress switch/flag enables you to see a progress line with a number as to know how much the archive has extracted. Xzcat 20190206-raspberry-pi-3-buster-PREVIEW.img.xz dd of=/dev/sdX bs=64k oflag=dsync status=progressOnce you have successfully flashed your SD card, you should be able test if the installation went ok by sshing into your Raspberry Pi.

The default root password is raspberry. SshIf you are curious to know how the Raspberry Pi image was built, you can look at the.You can find more info on the project homepage. How to contribute to the Raspberry Pi Buster effortThere is a mailing list called where people could contribute their efforts and ask questions.

As you can see in the list, there is already a new firmware which was released which might make booting directly a reality instead of the workaround shared above.If you want you could make a new image using the raspi3-image-spec shared above or wait for Gunnar to make a new image which might take time.Most of the maintainers also hang out at #vmdb2 at #OFTC. You can either use your IRC client or, register your name at Nickserv and connect with either Gunnar Wolf, Roman Perier or/and Lars Wirzenius, author of.

I might do a follow-up on vmdb2 as it’s a nice little tool by itself. The Road AheadIf there are enough interest and contributors, for instance, the lowest-hanging fruit would be to make sure that the ARM64 port is as current as possible.