Youth Hockey Coaches Handbooks


The Team Manager is a central figure in creating the flow of communication – not only within the team(players, parents and coaches), but between the team and all support systems such as the Minor HockeyAssociation, Division Managers, League Managers, other teams, referees and officials. By taking on theoperational aspects of the team, the manager enables the coach to focus on player development and on-iceinstruction to provide the players with rewarding hockey experiences.Every team will organize themselves slightly differently to best function in their surroundings, however,there are still many tasks that all Team Managers will need to complete regardless of what team they workwith. It is these tasks that are discussed in the Hockey Canada Team Manager’s Manual, launched in September2007 as part of Puck Drop ‘07’s Volunteer Week.The Team Manager’s Manual is available as a free download off the Hockey Canada website, and can be foundunder the minor hockey / volunteer section.This manual provides information to aid Team Managers in the smooth operation of the team throughout theseason. Ten key topics are addressed within the manual; team meetings, delegation, team rules, recordkeeping, organizing games, applying for tournaments, organizing travel, team finances, team activities andcoaching resources.While the Team Manager’s role is one of in-depth involvement – and may go beyond the scope of the ten topicsdiscussed – there is no reason to become overwhelmed. The team is there to support and, through delegation, a‘divide and conquer’ approach can be extremely efficient.Numerous appendices including templates, samples and a glossary of terms have been integrated into the manualto assist the Team Manager in pre-planning and organization. The appendices are active documents that can bedownloaded and customized to fit your own team needs.Enter numbers and information into pre-made contact lists and player medical forms, incorporate team logos,utilize meeting and game checklists, and preview samples of team rosters, injury reports and stats sheets.The downloadable format ensures that the appendices remain current; new appendices may be added to thedocument based on requests received by Hockey Canada.One user describes the manual as a “great tool and much needed in our minor associations.

Youth Hockey Coaches Handbooks 2018

It provides a greatbase from which our local associations can ‘build’ and enhance the Manager’s role and responsibilities.”The Team Manager’s role is crucial to the successful operation of the team’s season. Both the ability to workwell with a variety of people and the ability to maintain a fair and consistent outlook are strong managerialattributes that will help to maintain communication between all members.Focus on the primary roles of organizing, planning and overseeing, take advantage of the resourcesavailable in the Hockey Canada Team Manager’s manual, and the season can be a successful one.

Hockey Coaches Nhl

Many of you get caught up in your player only playing 1 or 2 positions because of what hand they are or how their mindset is. I think the below article highlights the need to change that thinking and let your player explore and learn about playing all positions. With the way hockey is evolving and systems are changing, I believe it is more important than ever for them to be able to play all positions. Bourne identity antagonist. They will learn so many things by doing this including timing, spacing, read and react situations, what works best and what doesn't work. As always, if you can help this with a positive message at home about the new positions your player will come to the rink with the right mindset.