Download Free Budget For Youth Football Program Books

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  2. Download Free Budget For Youth Football Program Books 2017
  3. Football Team Budget Spreadsheet

It’s that time of year for many of us. Pledge campaigns are under way and budgets for the new year are due any day now (or are past due!). For a lot of youth ministers, budgets can seem like one of those mundane tasks of ministry – at best, it’s something you have to do; at worst, it can seem overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating.But budgeting for the year doesn’t have to be either of those things. In fact, when done right, your budget can become the engine that powers your mission and vision. Here are four strategic ways to look at budgeting, and some practical tips for accomplishing your vision of ministry for next year.


Sports Team Treasurer

Budgeting is Hard and Holy WorkThe first thing to realize about budgeting for your ministry is that you can’t do it well in an afternoon. You need to set aside intentional time for prayer, reflection, listening, and planning for how God wants you and the church to wisely spend God’s money. Even if your youth ministry is subsisting on nickels, dimes, and duck tape, the more time you give towards careful reflection and planning, the better you will steward those gifts.I’ve heard stories of youth budgets thrown together at the last minute. Don’t be thoughtless in your budgeting! Doing the hard and holy work of budgeting is a way to show your congregation that you care about the ministry of the church.

The trust built between you and the congregation during the process is priceless. Budget and Vision Go Hand in HandI recently talked with a long tenured youth minister who was struggling with plateauing group numbers. When we dug into the nuts and bolts of the ministry, I learned that his budget had effectively not increased at all in over eight years, and that he had not pushed for an increase in that time. He trusted that the church’s finance committee would know what was needed to do effective ministry.While it is certainly the case that many churches cannot always afford to increase budgets each year, it’s a mistake to think that you shouldn’t ask for an increase or to assume that the church knows best in how to allocate funds for each ministry area.

The worst case scenario is that you are told no; the best case is that the church better understands the vision and needs of the youth ministry and provides the support that is needed for a healthy and growing program.The next time you are asked to talk about financial needs, don’t just show a number – tell a story and cast a vision for what could be if the right resources are given. Find Someone You Trust to Teach YouIt was somewhere around the time I started learning long division in elementary school that I realized I probably wouldn’t be a CPA when I grew up. It’s not that I don’t think numbers are important, but I’m very glad to have professionals that help me out with my personal finances. There are also probably people in your church or community that have skills in finance that would be more than willing to help your ministry succeed by helping you.Ministry is one of the last generalized professions – a profession in which a person is expected to know a great deal about a great deal of knowledge.

But when it comes to the day-in-and-day-out task of organizational finance and making budgets, I’m constantly asking questions of people that know this stuff better than me. Zero Based Budgeting and Your CalendarChurches have different ways of budgeting, but zero based budgeting is a very effective way to plan your ministry year.Zero based budgeting assumes that you take your previous year’s budget and erase it. Start from zero every time. Then, build in funding for the program or ministry areas you know you want for the year. Maybe last year you did a local mission project and spent $1,000. This year, however, you want to take an international trip and you’d like to spend $10,000. Zero based budgeting allows you to be flexible with these amounts and explain why you’re requesting such a big increase in your mission account.Budgeting this way takes a lot more time than just writing down numbers from the previous year.

The side benefit, however, is that it makes you plan your calendar out a year in advance. It’s a really great feeling to start the new year knowing what kind of ministry you want to do and that the funds are there to do. Bosch table saw manual.

Download Free Budget For Youth Football Program Books 2017

For both public and private high school organizations, sports programs tend to bring in the most money. In bigger states, these funds can be budget setting or breaking because of the popularity of football, baseball, and basketball.

Football Team Budget Spreadsheet

In order to retain fan attendance, many schools invest a lot of their capital into producing the best sports teams that they can. This not only brings in a significant amount of revenue, but it also drives students to perform well enough academically to participate on these sports teams. It can also be argued that sports can drive some students to be more mature with their decisions because of the fundamental maturity to play sports at a high level.Producing top-level football players also generates massive attention from the media. Top preparatory schools, like Mater Dei in California, and IMG Academy in Florida, are frequently discussed topics by the media in the football word. These kinds of schools make it their duty to produce intelligent athletes that are destined to play in Division One college football programs. This requires them to invest a lot of time and money into not only their sports programs, but also their academic ones. These kids, in order to compete, must attend rigorous class sessions that prepare them for college academics in the future.

Without these programs, it would be tough for a player that is engineered to only play football to keep up with their schoolwork post high school. It’s a stressful process, but it would be silly to deny that it produces results.Many high schools also utilize fundraising and booster programs to cushion some of the costs of their football expenses. These programs are even handled by parents of the players, who do it willingly for free. Funding generated from these programs is used to buy team uniforms, helmets, practice gear, and extra benefits for the players to improve their game. Every dollar invested is 2 dollars earned, a method that has been tested to work for decades for high schools of all shapes and sizes.Some parents of high school students disagree with the massive amounts of funding that these football teams receive. Despite school budgets reflecting a high priority in sports, the function of a high school is traditionally to provide a high quality education program. With a lot of the money going to football field renovations rather than desks and textbooks, students often complain that high school sports programs siphon away money from the important things.

It is probably best to achieve a balance that not only accommodates high-test scores, but also generates a high influx of sports revenues. It is also imperative that kids have outlets away from school, even if the level of play at their school isn’t at the elite level. High school sports have been alleviating stress for years, giving students the opportunity to follow passions outside of their schoolwork. Football programs often form strong bonds of camaraderie amongst the teammates; many teammates stay friends for years to come.Got any questions about budgets for your high school football program? Jump over to my!