Install Windows 8 On Eee Pc 701 Price


Rufus screenshotAdd a copy of the Win98 folder from the 98 install disc, for the sake of booting and installing from it. Please note that Rufus installs a Windows Millenium DOS, so you better get an image of the Millenium boot floppy (for example from ) and grab Fdisk off it onto the USB. Set up the SSDGet yourself a bootable flash with a partitioning tool. I recommend using.

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Once you’ve booted into it, go on and remove all of the stuff for the sake of creating a single 4GB partition on the SSD, and don’t forget to backup prior to that!Once you’re done with it, move on!Step 3. Make a first installEnter BIOS and make sure the SSD is the first drive on the system. Then boot off the flash from Step 1. You’ll end up at the DOS prompt:C:Now enter DIR and make sure you see the files you had on your installation USB.Then enter cd Win98 (I blindly assume you didn’t rename anything you got from the CD, right?) and then setupcor /c /it /p a;b. This should start the setup process.

If you use setup.exe, it will just stare at you with its deep black screen.If it doesn’t start, well, there’s a solution for that too. Find a relatively-new PC (that supports USB storage on BIOS level), plug in a hard drive that you will install into, and your installation media, off which you will boot. After the installation to the USB drive is done (oh, make sure its size won’t exceed your EEE’s SSD length of 4000MB! I made mine 3200.), boot to some Linux LiveCD on your EEE and use DD to copy the HDD right onto the SSD. For example if the HDD with 98 is /dev/sdc and the EEE’s SSD is /dev/sdb you will have to execute this in the Linux shell:sudo umount /dev/sdb; sudo umount /dev/sdc; sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb bs=1M. Win98 installer freaking out on my Core i3 (yes I had to go the failed-to-start way)The system will ask you some questions, and then proceed with the installation. If it decides to reboot on its own, point it to the installer media, not the SSD or the target disk!

It doesn’t write any bootsector until it’s done doing stuff! By the way install it to D:WINDOWS, because the C: drive is gonna be the installer flashdrive. You may try installing DOS and copying the Win98 folder onto the SSD, and starting the installation from there, but it didn’t work out for me.Right when it’s gonna detect devices it will ask you about every detection attempt. Always say “yes” so in case it hangs, you know where to substitute it for a “no” if it decides to hang on you. Drive the driversAlright, you got the thing running.

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No sound, no network, and not even any decent resolution or color depth. And if you used the install-from-flash-onto-external-USB-disk method, no bootloader either (that’s why I recommend to use an SD as an installation media, I did it that way, and the SD is always here as the bootloader, and for the sake of keeping the installer handy). You’re so mad you even reboot your desktop Windows 7 computer by hitting the Reset button, but you did it.

And all you got is this. Well maybe you installed Word and wrote a couple of docs, but still not satisfied.Well it means it’s time to get some drivers!The only ones I was able to find by now are video and USB ones.

Install windows 8 on eee pc 701 price in pakistan

Sadly it seems that there are no Realtek HDAudio drivers, as well as no wireless ones, and even though it might be possible to get the Ethernet port to work using the Ndis drivers, it didn’t work out for me (if you know how to solve Ndis.vxd error code 2 – tell me in the comments), I had to make a special directory into which I had to expand all of the files in order for Windows to at least let me install that. Maybe that’s just me, I’m not sure at all.For the video drivers, you are gonna need the. However, even though the graphics will be fast and smooth, get ready for some problems:. Even though it works awesome when using Windows applications, in case you launch a DOS box with a program, fullscreen or whatever – it’s gonna screw stuff up with interesting textmode graphical effects. Sometimes hitting Alt+Enter to go fullscreen and again Alt+Enter to go back helps.

The funky graphic effects after starting from Windows. Either you have the resolution or you have the colors – the driver cannot fit the whole image into the memory if you set 16bit at 800×600, except if you patch the BIOS, a way of what is something they forgot to tell us about, so you either have 640x480x32 (which is, to be honest, pretty usable, even x16 is fine for me), or 800x600x8, just 16 colors.

Redmatica key map pro rare. You may try to launch the TSR fix they claimed would fix this, but for me it just made a nice fade-from-black-to-white screensaver, that’s all. That is because you need to add them into Autoexec.bat at the very beginning, and you better do to give it a fancy resolution, in my case the line was:lh c:vbe9x0800×480Alv1411.exeActually, I only got the 800×400 version to work, but in 16bit High Color, so it’s cool with me. However this doesn’t fix the ‘funky textmode’ problem at all.As for the USB support, the first thing to do is set the OS installation mode in BIOS to ‘Start’.

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Then install carefully, paying attention to the instructions, and you’ll be good to go.And now it’s time for some screenies!

Install Windows 8 On Eee Pc 701 Price In India

Have updated an Asus Eee pc 1005ha to windows 8, nothing opens in windows 8, just get message banner saying, 'this app cannot open, the screen resolution is too low for this app to run'! Also if I go to traditional screen/desktop I continually get warningbox telling me to install missing ACPI driver but can't find one, but can open all programs from there just as before upgrade.Have been using internet explorer from desktop to search for driver and other info, also have installed new updates since windows 8 upgrade and now I have no internet explorer at all!!!now I cant search for updates on Asus.Any info or help at all would be great.