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Click to enlarge. Eric FrancisLIBRA (September 22-October 23)Most relationships are an exercise in seeking oneself in others. As part of that, they can become a hall of mirrors, with people projecting on one another and only a vague sense of who is who, and whose feelings belong to whom.

If this seemed to work in the past, it didn't work very well. You're now experiencing a rare astrological condition: Venus, the planet associated with your sign, is in your opposite sign, Aries. It's about to go retrograde (March 4 through April 15). This looks like an unusual encounter, experience, or confrontation involving another person.

Yet you are the main actor. This is an opportunity to learn something about yourself, and to get a rare perspective on who you are.

The first thing you'll need to do is call in the projections you've put onto anyone else who seems to be involved. For the true message to come through, you'll need to see yourself for who you really are, see a partner for who they really are, and be able to discern the difference.

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This is where most people get lost in relationships most of the time. And if you focus this experience, and go through it with your full attention, you will learn something that prevents this confusion from happening again. Then your relationships will take a giant, welcome step from the imaginary to the real.

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